Nagios Home Page Παλιά εγκατάσταση NRPE για Debian (Ubuntu) : Να ελεγθεί για αλλαγές Nagios Plugins Nagios Addons Nsclient addon homepage Using nsclient with check_nt guide for monitoring windows servers (nagios doc) Another guide for nsclient Δείτε αυτό πριν την εγκατάσταση check_http & bigippool for monitoring websites : Σημείο εκκίνησης για ελέγχους http Object…
Category: IT
Retrieve and Restore Cisco configs with SNMP
Mysql remote access
Your mysql configuration file is probably /etc/my.cnf Make sure your server is running. If not start it with /etc/init.d/mysql start Enter mysql command line mode: mysql -u root -p Your first password should be blank. You then need to enable remote access with the following command, replace where necessary: mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.*…
Howto Install Mysql Database Server with Phpmyadmin Frontend
I took this from here MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs/libraries. Installing Mysql database in Ubuntu sudo aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev This will complete the installation of mysql server 5.0.45 in ubuntu…